Fallon Banks serves as the Secretary of There’s No Place Like Home Homebuyers Club. A dedicated single mother of three, Fallon has overcome significant challenges, spending 14 years on Section 8 housing assistance. Inspired by her journey, she enrolled in the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program, graduating and purchasing her home in Atlanta, GA, in 2021.
Currently, Fallon works full-time as a Care Manager in a medical office while successfully managing her family-owned commercial cleaning company. As a graduate of the There’s No Place Like Home Homebuyers Club program offered at the housing authority, she learned valuable skills in money management, goal setting, and financial planning. Working closely with a TNPLH counselor, Fallon was able to decrease her debt, increase her income, and improve her credit score, ultimately achieving her dream of home ownership and establishing a business for additional income.
Fallon joined the board to promote the very program that enabled her to become a homeowner. She actively contributes to the mission of There’s No Place Like Home Homebuyers Club, believing that everyone deserves access to the resources and support necessary for sustainable homeownership and financial stability.
Fallon is passionate about empowering others and is committed to using her experiences to help families navigate their financial challenges. By leveraging her newly gained knowledge in financial literacy, she aims to enhance the nonprofit’s outreach efforts and programs. With a vision of creating a supportive community where individuals can thrive, Fallon advocates for more financial education and support services, ensuring that others have the tools and encouragement they need to build a better future for themselves and their families.